Gallagher wins 2021 Fortress Cyber Security Award
Victoria Rees
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Global security manufacturer, Gallagher, has been recognised in the 2021 Fortress Cyber Security Awards as a winner in the Authentication & Identity category for its MIFARE DESFire Key Migration Enhancement. The US award recognises the world’s leading companies and products that are working to keep data and assets safe amidst increasing threats from hackers.
Designed in response to the growing sophistication of cyber-attacks upon credential security, Gallagher’s MIFARE DESFire key migration enhancement helps organisations mitigate the risk of card-cloning or tampering, through an improved management of key encoding used to read card credentials. This intelligent enhancement allows for cardholder credentials to be silently updated with newly defined site-specific keys for a secure and seamless cardholder experience.
“There’s no doubt that cybercrime is evolving rapidly and this is a growing concern for many organisations around the world,” says Steve Bell, Chief Technology Officer at Gallagher. “What was produced a decade ago, may present weaknesses today. This was the basis for developing the DESFire key migration enhancement, to give our customers an easy way to securely migrate site access control keys.”
As part of its commitment to cybersecurity, Gallagher’s security solutions are fully authenticated and encrypted to meet global standards, including the FIPS-201 standards in the United States, Type 1A in Australia and the UK Centre for Protection of National Infrastructure’s CAPSS (Cyber Assurance of Physical Security Systems) standard.