Get involved: IFPO Security Research Project now open
Victoria Rees
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The International Foundation for Protection Officers (IFPO), in partnership with Perpetuity Research, is conducting a ground-breaking study to explore the roles, responsibilities and training of frontline Security Officers (sometimes referred to as security guards).
What is the study?
It is an online survey designed to seek out the following information as it pertains to the current role and background of a Security Officer:
o Tasks and skills required to complete your duties
o Training requirements for your specific position
The study period will be from 9 April, 2021 – 31 May, 2021. The survey takes up to 15 minutes to complete and is mainly multiple choice questions.
Who is eligible to take the survey?
Any frontline Security Officer/Guard (up to supervisor level) who is currently working in one of the following countries*:
o Canada
o Ecuador
o India
o Ireland
o Nigeria
o Saudi Arabia
o South Korea
o UK
* Please note that these initial nine countries have been identified for this initial phase and others may be added as the project progresses.
What will the information be used for?
All of the information gathered will be used by the IFPO and Perpetuity Research in further development and expansion of educational programs and certification standards within the industry. Your survey answers will be anonymous. At the end of the survey, you may choose to enter a valid email address for entry into a prize draw to win a US$50 value Amazon Gift Card.
How to participate
Click here: