Telaeris unveils new emergency mustering solution

Victoria Rees
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Telaeris has revealed its new XPressEntry Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) emergency evacuation mustering platform with HID’s Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacons and Gateways.
According to the company, the XPressEntry RTLS Emergency Mustering adds an automatic method to quickly account for workers and visitors in an emergency evacuation at designated assembly areas/muster points.
Additionally, the platform helps provide first responders with a precise, last known location of any missing persons.
Emergency mustering
“HID’s RTLS technology continuously tracks the precise location of badged employees and visitors throughout the workplace facility,” said Dr David Carta, Chief Executive Officer, Telaeris.
“Combined with XPressEntry, this innovative and comprehensive emergency evacuation mustering solution streamlines and accelerates emergency evacuations in accordance with OSHA and regulatory guidelines.
“As a longstanding technology partner with HID, we are excited to further deepen our collaboration with their team.”
“Our location services provide an efficient way to safeguard an organization’s most important asset – its employee,” added said Mark Robinton, Vice President of IoT Services at HID.
“Swift response is crucial in emergencies and the real-time location awareness provided from HID’s RTLS portfolio enables immediate action, ensuring prompt and effective staff protection.
“The collaboration with Telaeris offers a great opportunity to broaden the adoption of this valuable employee protection solution, thereby fortifying onsite safety measures for a diverse range of organizations.”
Workplace safety
According to Telaeris, HID’s BLE Gateways are strategically placed throughout workspaces and programmed to provide triangulated occupancy tracking.
BLE Gateways constantly listen for BLE Badges in range, linking the occupancy zone to the current location of the badge.
With BLE Gateways installed at designated emergency mustering/assembly points, employees and visitors in possession of their badges will be automatically accounted as safely evacuated within range of the assembly area gateway.
The emergency mustering solution concurrently provides the precise location of any missing persons on site including names and ID photos, visible from XPressEntry enabled readers, to enhance life-saving efforts.