The modern security organization

Tim Wenzel - a modern security leader

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Tim Wenzel, Associate Managing Director of ESRM at Kroll discusses how to be a successful security leader in 2025.

A changing culture

COVID-19 has ended, but its effects will resonate for the rest of this decade.

The fallout of pandemic choices and policies are newly coming into focus for many organizations.

2020 ushered in an environment which led to years of knee jerk reactions throughout all levels of society.

The political and ideological pendulum swung so hard, we are now seeing its third order effects.

The resulting disenfranchisement around truth, establishments and people in power is materializing throughout the Fortune realm.

Organizations with once vibrant cultures are struggling with employee engagement.

Organizations whose cultures had developed “organically” are now wondering how malaise or toxicity has set in.

Over the past four years, the private sector adopted political and ideological viewpoints without conducting the appropriate risk management activities to determine downstream effects, many of which are now becoming untenable.

Technology is evolving at breakneck speed and it seems everyone is trying to understand how AI can make business more efficient and cost effective.

For the successful security leader, 2025 will be the year of the thought leader

As a consultant, I received a staggering amount of unique inquiries in 2024.

The C-suite wanted to understand the value of their security organizations.

This became so thematic, we developed a brand new assessment and service offering to meet this desire.

We project that this theme will increase significantly in 2025… Don’t let this conversation come to you, bring it to the C-suite and the Board.

It is time for security to fully integrate throughout the enterprise as a business partner.

Questions from the C-suite will center around:

  • Healthy culture
  • Managing toxic employees and management
  • Taking thoughtful internal positions on ideologies
  • Insider threat and workplace violence & disruption programs
  • Leveraging technology and AI throughout the business

The primary competency of a thought leader is the ability to participate in conversations.

The modern security organization will be defined by their participation in the business of the organizations we serve.

As a security leader, you need to thoughtfully walk away from all governmental mindsets, jargon and habits, replacing them with the language, routines and values of the business.

Are you an expert in AI, industrial organizational psychology or program management? No? Then find someone to teach and guide you.

You’ll need to learn and understand how these domains apply to you and your security organization within your corporate context.

Build a team of advisors who can facilitate these conversations with you.

In 2025, leadership in the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) realm will be needed.

Be primed to step into this leadership void, if not by expertise, then by proxy alongside an expert.

The successful security leader in 2025 will be the consummate conversationalist, with a bench of experts and advisors who can support them.

There is power in the ability to have any conversation, with anyone, at any time.

2025 will be a renaissance period for many security leaders, an impromptu retirement ceremony for many others and it will spur the emergence of our next era.

Tim Wenzel

Tim is the Associate Managing Director of Enterprise Security Risk Management at Kroll and the Creator of The Kindness Games.

His is a global security executive, international keynote speaker and thought leader in the security, leadership and wellness industries.

He has a passion to transform the existing paradigms of leadership and risk management while building highly effective teams and joyful environments for them to experiment and thrive within.

This article was originally published in the special February Influencers Edition of Security Journal Americas. To read your FREE digital edition, click here.

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