Improving safety with automated AI-based security robots

Security robots on a campus

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David Dworsky, President, CEO and Owner of TEAM 1ST discusses why robots are the security imperative of the future.

In today’s fast-paced world, security has become more important than ever.

One exciting solution gaining popularity is the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-based autonomous security robots (ASRs).

These ASRs are designed to support security personnel and their systems in any organization and across all verticals.

Why security robots?

Security robots are like the superheroes of the security world, working tirelessly to keep us safe!

These specialized autonomous security officer (ASO) robots provide an extra layer of protection by offering surveillance, patrolling and detection capabilities at a very low cost.

They do not eat, do not sleep and work 24/7 without breaks.

These robots can come in various forms, each with its own unique purpose.

Surveillance robots are designed to gather valuable information in real-time, while patrol robots actively monitor designated areas, acting as a visible deterrent.

Detection robots, on the other hand, are equipped with advanced sensors to identify potential threats and alert security personnel in the event of an incident.

What sets these robots apart is their cutting-edge technology. They are powered by AI, enabling them to make decisions and adapt to changing situations.

With autonomous navigation capabilities, they can maneuver through complex environments with ease, ensuring thorough coverage and efficiency.

One of the most impressive features of the ASO robot is their ability to recognize and interact with individuals in authorized or unauthorized environments.

This means they can assist people by providing directions or connecting them with a human operator when necessary.

It’s all about creating a secure and user-friendly experience.

By deploying ASO robots, anyone can enhance their security measures, improve response times and ultimately create a safer environment.

Some common types of security robots that are deployed include indoor robots for interior security and under roof capabilities and exterior for all weather and all terrain capabilities.

One innovation on the horizon in 2024 is a security/delivery robot, a new concept use case customers are asking for.

Benefits over traditional security measures

Security robots are truly game changers when it comes to enhancing security measures.

They offer numerous advantages over traditional security systems and personnel that make them an invaluable asset.

Firstly, security robots provide continuous surveillance, ensuring that no area goes unmonitored.

Unlike fixed cameras or limited human patrols, these robots can cover a wide range of spaces, eliminating blind spots and providing comprehensive coverage.

This means that potential threats are less likely to go unnoticed, enhancing overall security.

Another major advantage is their ability to efficiently patrol large areas.

Instead of relying on multiple human security personnel to cover extensive ground, these robots can navigate and patrol autonomously.

Plus, with their advanced sensors and intelligent algorithms, they can detect and respond to potential incidents quickly and effectively.

One of the standout benefits of security robots is their autonomy.

They can operate independently or with minimal human intervention, allowing human security personnel to focus on more critical tasks.

Unlike humans, robots aren’t susceptible to distractions like phone calls or fatigue.

They remain in a constant state of high alert, ensuring unwavering attention to security matters.

This reduces the risk of human error and improves overall efficiency.

Additionally, security robots offer a unique advantage in terms of human safety.

By deploying robots for security purposes, organizations can significantly reduce human exposure to life-threatening risks or hazardous situations.

These robots can be equipped with advanced sensors to detect and respond to potential dangers, minimizing the need for human personnel to put themselves in harm’s way.

Furthermore, security robots can provide a human-like and interactive presence. With the ability to communicate and transmit audio and video, they can act as a remote extension of human personnel.

This means you can talk through the robot, see what it sees and hear what it hears, making it an effective tool for real-time monitoring and response.

In summary, security robots offer a multitude of benefits over traditional security systems and personnel.

They provide continuous surveillance, efficient patrolling, reduced human distraction, improved safety and enhanced interaction capabilities.

Augmenting existing security ecosystems

Security robots work in collaboration with human security personnel. Rather than replacing humans, these robots complement their skills and capabilities, creating a powerful synergy.

By seamlessly integrating into the existing security infrastructure, robots can enhance the overall effectiveness of security measures.

One way security robots augment existing security ecosystems is by providing real-time data.

Equipped with advanced sensors and cameras, these robots can gather and transmit valuable information to human operators.

This real-time data allows security personnel to make informed decisions and respond swiftly to potential threats.

With the robots acting as additional “eyes and ears” on the scene, security can be significantly bolstered without putting human beings at unnecessary risk.

Moreover, security robots excel in threat detection. Their advanced algorithms and sensors enable them to identify suspicious activities, detect anomalies and recognize potential security breaches.

By working alongside human security personnel, robots can assist in identifying and mitigating risks more efficiently.

This collaboration ensures that no potential threats go unnoticed, enhancing overall security posture.

Another benefit of integrating security robots into existing ecosystems is their ability to act as a force multiplier.

With their autonomous patrolling capabilities, these robots can cover large areas and reduce the need for additional human security personnel.

This not only optimizes resource allocation but also ensures comprehensive surveillance.

Dispelling misconceptions

Robots are used not to replace humans, but to keep them safe and enhance the capabilities of security personnel.

A common misconception is the fear of job displacement. However, it’s important to understand that security robots are designed to complement and enhance human efforts, not replace them.

They are here to assist us in doing our jobs better and in a safer way.

Rather than taking over human roles, security robots work in tandem with human personnel.

By handling routine tasks such as patrolling, monitoring and data collection, robots free up human security personnel to focus on higher-level tasks that require critical thinking, analysis and decision-making.

This allows human operators to utilize their expertise and skills in a more strategic manner, ultimately improving overall security outcomes.

It’s crucial to emphasize that security robots are not meant to replace humans but to augment their capabilities.

They are tools that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of security operations. By working together, humans and robots create a powerful synergy that maximizes the potential for a safer and more secure environment.

So, when people think of robots, it’s important to shift the perspective from job replacement to job enhancement.

Security robots are here to support us, providing additional resources, data and surveillance capabilities that can greatly improve the effectiveness of security efforts.

A wide range of industry applications

Security robots can be utilized within many industries. Some of these include:

Transportation – security robots play a vital role in ensuring the safety and security of transportation hubs like airports, train stations and bus terminals.

They can patrol these areas, detect potential threats and provide real-time surveillance. By doing so, they help maintain a safe environment for travelers and prevent security breaches.

Manufacturing – in the manufacturing industry, security robots are employed to enhance facility security and prevent unauthorized access.

They can patrol large factory floors, warehouses and storage areas, ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to restricted areas.

This helps protect valuable assets, equipment and intellectual property from theft or damage.

Healthcare – security robots have become increasingly important in the healthcare sector.

They can provide surveillance in sensitive areas such as hospital wards, emergency rooms and pharmaceutical storage areas.

By monitoring these areas, they help ensure patient safety, prevent unauthorized access and assist in emergency response situations.

Retail – retail establishments can greatly benefit from the presence of security robots. These robots can deter theft, monitor store premises and ensure customer safety.

By patrolling aisles, they can detect suspicious activity and alert security personnel. This helps create a secure shopping environment and protects both customers and employees.

Education – security robots are also finding their place in educational institutions. They can help monitor school premises, including hallways, parking lots and common areas.

By providing real-time surveillance, they contribute to a safer learning environment for students, teachers and staff.

Critical infrastructure – waterways, electrical grid, data centers and more can all benefit from security robots by detecting unauthorized personnel or breaches.

The next evolution

The security robot industry will evolve. Today, there are very few successful players, but that will change because robot technology will advance and become more cost effective to produce, allowing more players to emerge.

AI will add another facet, enabling robots to become super autonomous.

According to projections, by 2027, worldwide robotic sales are estimated to reach a staggering $19 billion or even more.

This highlights the immense potential and demand for robotics in the market.

One of the key drivers behind this demand is the need for enhanced security measures.

In industries such as transportation, manufacturing, healthcare, retail and education, there is a shortage of security personnel.

The shortfall of over 450,000 security guards is a real challenge. To address this gap, the integration of security robots has become a viable solution.

These robots can perform tasks such as surveillance, patrolling and monitoring, to provide an additional layer of security that will ensure the safety of both organization and individuals.

About TEAM 1ST

TEAM 1ST TECHNOLOGIES provides tested and vetted cutting-edge solutions in audio visual integration, interactive and collaborative robotics, unified communications integration and physical security integration solutions.

Randle Deitrick helped to coordinate this article and is the Regional Sales Manager and Managing Channel Partner for the east of the US, where he provides robots as a service.

To learn more about the exciting advancements in the service robot industry and how TEAM 1ST is shaping it, visit their website.

This article on executive protection was originally published in the January edition of Security Journal Americas. To read your FREE digital edition, click here.

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